17 November, 2014

& I'm back.

Something is so mysterious about red lipstick. It can lure all the eyes in a room just by entering. The woman in the red lipstick has sexual power, independence, braveness and guts to put it on.
Moreover she has the ability to use the right red shade to her skin. Not everybody uses the perfect matching colour, and there's possibilty that it goes wrong.

Once I've bought a real dark red colour lipstick and by putting on I also put on some 10+ years and it wasn't matching me at all. The other time I put bright pink on, which normaly suits me, because I'm blonde - but wasn't aware of that I changed my hair colour to red, so bright pink lips were not right.

Everybody has different kind of skin shades, hair colour and style.
There's a nice way to get to know which colours suit you the best: figuring out whether you have winter, spring, summer or autumn type of skin. Here or here you can find it out!